Employment and Workforce

3 Major employment and workforce-related economic data

Non-Farm Payrolls data is the most important workforce data affecting the markets each month
Released on the 1st Friday of each month

Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP)

Measure number of jobs created outside farming sector.
Obtained from surveying 400,000 companies and government agencies.

NFP UP => Income UP => Spending UP => Inflation UP => Interest Rates UP => USD UP

NFP DOWN => Income DOWN => Spending DOWN => Inflation DOWN => Interest Rates DOWN => USD DOWN


Unemployment Rate

Measure Monthly Change in the job Market.
Obtained from surveying more than 60,000 households.
Usually lags 1-3 months before economic slowdown.

Unemployment DOWN => Income UP => Spending UP => Inflation UP => Interest rates UP => USD UP

Unemployment UP => Income DOWN => Spending DOWN => Inflation DOWN => Interest rates DOWN => USD DOWN

Weekly Claims

Measures number of unemployment benefits claimed each week.
Claims > 400k for few weeks signal slowdown.
Claims < 400k for few weeks signal economic recovery.

There are 2 data to look out for: initial claims and continuing claims

Claims UP => Income DOWN => Spending DOWN => Inflation DOWN => Interest rates DOWN => USD DOWN

Claims DOWN => Income UP => Spending UP => Inflation UP => Interest rates UP => USD UP

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